Business Support

If you are a business from overseas that is thinking about locating or expanding into Ireland, the South East region or Wexford, then the IDA (Industrial Development Authority), an Irish semi-state body, is tasked with attracting high-performing businesses to these shores, even through challenging times. As Ireland’s foreign direct investment (FDI) agency, the IDA have partnered with over 1,200 clients and helped them not only establish but also to ramp up their Irish operations.  Learn why Ireland is brilliant for ‘ease of doing business’ by visiting

If you are an existing Irish-based business, interested in relocating or expanding into Wexford, the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) offers a wide range of financial and advisory assistance to help you start or grow your existing operation.  Along with offering advice and training to all businesses, the LEO welcomes enquiries from businesses in the manufacturing or internationally-traded services sectors for financial aid (all financial aid is subject to strict guidelines on eligibility).

Visit Local Enterprise Office for financial supports available.

Wexford has attracted a range of multi-national companies in the life sciences, medical technology and international financial services industries who have worked with us and availed of our support services.  These companies are willing to share their experiences of locating and operating in Wexford with interested parties.

Wexford County Council will work to support you and your business, signposting you and providing direct access to all the relevant Local Authority services:

We will also assist you in making your move to Wexford as simple as possible by directing you to a wide range of support agencies and introducing you to the appropriate contact person:

Wexford County Council is providing a Vacant Property Grant Incentive Scheme to encourage the use of vacant commercial and industrial property across the county.

The grant is being offered as a contribution towards fit-out costs against your rates bill. The scheme provides up to a maximum of 50% rates reduction over a three-year period.

Please contact us to learn more about the Vacant Property Incentive Scheme.

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